My Adoring Fans

Saturday, June 14, 2008


Have you ever had moments in your life where you felt so incredibly blessed that you didn't know what you had done to deserve it all? I have so many things going for me right now. I realized last night that I am more confidant than I have ever been. I'm finally starting to feel comfortable in my own skin. Does that mean that there are things about me I wouldn't change? Of course not. But the woman that I was 10 years ago is not the woman I am today, but that can be said for all of us. I like the woman I have become. I hope that this woman can be a positive influence on my daughters. I'd like to see them grow up and not make the same mistakes I've made, but I also know that those mistakes are what have made me the person I am today. I am so thankful for everyone and everything in my life. Everything has led me to this moment where I feel so incredibly blessed and loved by so many people who I love in return. It always amazes me how calm and peaceful I feel when I think about what the future is going to bring my way. I have no idea what that's going to be, but I welcome whatever it is with open arms!!!


tiki_lady said...

I love this post. It was beautifully written. You are blesed.

Anonymous said...

that is a Beautiful Picture!!!! i love it!!!

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I'm a 30 year old single mom to 3 great kids. Come back and visit us often to see what's going on with our everyday happenings in TN.

This is the story of the everyday, not-so-ordinary things that happen in our lives. There's fun, exciting, sad, and boring, but whatever happens, there's always some adventure. So, cme and check us out!